“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告——Gianluca Colò教授
应稀有同位素前沿科学中心、核科学与技术学院邀请,米兰大学Gianluca Colò教授将于2025年2月18日来校进行学术交流并作报告。
报告题目:Improving current Energy Density Functionals: different attempts
Nuclear Density Functional Theory (DFT) is the microscopic nuclear model with the broadest range of applicability: it can be used to predict ground-state properties, like masses, radii, or intrinsic deformations, but it can also be applied to nuclear spectroscopy. The use of DFT for excited states, like Giant Resonances, will be emphasised in this talk. Monopole resonances and dipole resonances will be discussed.
At the same time, several ways to parameterise an Energy Density Functional (EDF) exist, and the path towards a “universal” EDF looks somehow unclear. Two new avenues for building Skyrme EDFs will be highlighted in the talk: on the one hand, the possibility to ground DFT on ab initio will be discussed; on the other hand, the results of a Bayesian inference of the Skyrme parameters will be shown and analysed.
Professor Gianluca Colò is the full professor at the department of physics, university of Milano. He received his PhD in 1992 at university of Milano. His research interesting is focused on nuclear structure physics, nuclear reactions, applications of nuclear theory methods to atomic and molecular physics, etc. He has more than 250 publications, with more than 7000 citations, and his h-index is 48. He has done many pioneering works: he firstly developed the fully self-consistent charge-exchange RPA theory, firstly developed the fully microscopic model based on Skyrme forces in beyond the mean-field level, and also the one first proved the dielectric theorem for nuclear physics, determined the accurate values for nuclear incompressibility, etc. His self-consistent (quasi-)particle random-phase approximation codes have been published and widely used in many groups.