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2024-05-11  兰州大学核科学与技术学院











       The light cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) describe the probability distribution of longitudinal momentum within the meson or baryon, revealing one-dimensional structure inside hadrons. Additionally, it serves as one of the most important inputs for studying exclusive flavor physics processes. Due to the confinement in low-energy region of QCD, research on LCDA can only proceed by the first principle. Lattice QCD based on the path integral quantization, is currently one of the most reliable methods for solving QCD problems from the first principle. This report will review the research progress of light meson LCDA and introduce the light baryon LCDA calculation on lattice with large momentum effective theory (LaMET). Some challenges and possible solutions within LCDA research will also be discussed.



       华俊,华南师范大学副研究员。2019年毕业于南京师范大学,获得博士学位。2019 - 2021年于上海交通大学从事博士后研究,2021年10月加入华南师范大学量子物质研究院。格点合作组Lattice Parton Collaboration(LPC)成员。主要研究方向包括:强子结构与分布函数以及相关味物理衰变过程的格点量子色动力学研究。在《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)等国际知名刊物上发表多篇学术论文,得到国内外同行的高度认可。




