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“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告——刘天博 教授

2024-04-08  兰州大学核科学与技术学院



       报告题目:Nucleon spin structures from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering

       报告时间:2024年4月10日(星期三)10:00 -12:00  







       After three decades of the proton spin crisis, the spin structure of the nucleon is still not well understood, which requires multidimensional imaging of the nucleon. While the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) is a powerful approach to learn parton distributions, the inclusive process is not sensitive to the confined transverse motion of partons. By identifying a hadron in the final state, the semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS) provides an additional and adjustable scale, allowing us to extract transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions. With an overview of the SIDIS process, I will present recent phenomenological studies of TMDs via the SIDIS measurements. Future opportunities at the proposed EicC will also be discussed.


       刘天博,山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院教授,国家高层次青年人才,山东大学杰出中青年学者。本科和博士毕业于北京大学,先后在杜克大学和Jefferson Lab做博士后。长期从事核子自旋结构和强相互作用的理论与唯象学研究,提出处理轻子强子高能散射过程中电磁辐射效应的混合因子化;发现半单举深度非弹性散射过程中受强子化机制影响的次领头扭度增强效应;提出光前全息量子色动力学计算部分子分布函数的新方法。2019年获国际光锥委员会Gary McCartor奖。现担任中国极化电子离子对撞机项目半单举散射工作组召集人,PRL, PRC/D, PLB, NPA/B, EPJA等杂志审稿人。


