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“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告—Ji?í Mizera教授

2023-11-06  兰州大学核科学与技术学院

       应稀有同位素前沿科学中心、核科学与技术学院邀请,捷克科学院核物理研究所 Mizera教授将于2023年11月8日来校进行学术交流并作报告。


       报告题目:Research of tektites and other impact glasses at the Nuclear Physics Institute







       During the impact of a large asteroid on the Earth, glasses can be formed by melting of surface materials. Tektites are a special type of these glasses, ejected to a great distance from the parent impact crater. Research of various impact glasses and their potential source materials based on their geochemical characterization by methods of activation analysis started at NPI almost twenty years ago and has been continued until present. The lecture will shortly introduce the overall scope of the research and its major achievements, and will focus on two original hypotheses proposed by the NPI research team: participation of biomass in the source materials of the Central European tektites – moldavites, and location of the parent impact crater for the Australasian tektites to the Badain Jaran Desert in Northwest China.


       男,捷克科学院核物理研究所研究员,AMS10Be,26Al)专家。研究方向为活化分析,加速器质谱分析、元素地球化学等,已发表SCI研究论文40多篇。Ioannes Marcus Marci光谱学会主要委员会成员、捷克化学学会核化学专业委员会委员、国际活化分析委员会成员、国际“放射分析与核化学”期刊杰出评审专家、捷克认证协会的外部专家评估员。获捷克共和国科学院青年科学家Wichterle奖。





