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“铸剑强国 核以道和”系列讲座——强俊杰研究员

2023-09-14  兰州大学核科学与技术学院



       报告题目:Superfluid Helium-Nanodroplets Technique: An ideal nano-cryogenic refrigerato







         Superfluid helium nanodroplets have in the last 25 years opened up a new era of high-resolution spectroscopy. This has been made possible by their sub-Kelvin temperatures and the gentle nature of the superfluid. When molecules are embedded in a regular liquid environment, the surrounding solvent molecules can slow down the movement of the solute molecules, i.e., the solute molecules undergo resistance from solvents. Although helium nanodroplet was found to be a kind of special solvent of superfluidity, previous researches show that in helium nanodroplets, the embedded molecule would be attached with several helium atoms. Also, When the molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets are ionized, the interaction between the charged cations and the helium environment is strengthened significantly, which affects the ultrafast vibrational motions of molecules. Therefore, studying the ultrafast ro-vibration dynamics of molecular ions in the helium environment provides a new aspect to understand the interaction in cold complex systems.


       强俊杰:1995年12月出生。本科毕业于中国海洋大学,后于华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室吴健教授课题组获得博士学位,主要从事低温分子强场超快光学及超流氦纳米液滴相关研究。“2020中国光学十大进展”获得者。在国际上首次实验观测到单分子层面的超快振动回声现象;搭建和调试了超流氦纳米液滴动量反应谱仪(HND-COLTRIMS),将离子-电子符合应用至氦纳米液滴体系。首次观测到超流氦纳米液滴中氘气分子的无阻尼自由转动动力学演化过程。随后解释了氘气离子在超流氦纳米液滴中的超快退相干行为。主持华东师范大学“未来科学家及优秀学者培育计划”一项。在Nat. Phys、Nat. Chem、Nat. Comm、Phys. Rev. Lett等期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。                                                                                                                                                                        



