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“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告——Mohsen N. Harakeh教授

2023-07-28  兰州大学核科学与技术学院

       应稀有同位素前沿科学中心、兰州大学核科学与技术学院邀请,荷兰格罗宁根大学Mohsen N. Harakeh教授将于2023年8月16日来校进行学术交流并作报告。


       报告题目:Determination of GT+ Strength in fp-shell Nuclei: Implications for Supernova Scenarios and Double-beta Decay

       报告时间:2023年8月16日(星期三)16: 00   






       Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions, aside from their interest from the nuclear structure point of view, play very important roles in various phenomena in nature. In nucleosynthesis, the b-decay of nuclei along the s- and r-processes determine the paths that these processes follow and the abundances of the elements synthesized. In supernova events, GT transitions are of paramount importance in the pre-supernova phase where electron capture occurs on neutron-rich fp-shell nuclei at the high temperatures of giant stars. Electron capture is mediated by GT transitions. Electron capture removes the electron pressure that keeps the star from collapsing precipitating a cataclysmic implosion followed by a huge explosion throwing much of the star material into space and leaving a neutron star or black hole behind. In 2n2b-decay, virtual GT transitions via 1+ states of the intermediate nucleus, determine the rate and therefore the lifetime of 2b-decaying nuclei. The 0n2b-decay is much more interesting since if it occurs it establishes the Majorana character of the neutrino and allows a determination of its mass. However, a good determination of the matrix element connecting both ground states of the two nuclei involved in 0n2b-decay is important. Here, in addition to GT transitions that are important in 2n2b-decay, higher multipolarity spin-isospin modes play an important role in determining this matrix element. Experimental aspects of this will be discussed.


       Prof. Dr. Mohsen N. Harakeh is an emeritus professor at the University of Groningen. He received his PhD from the State University of New York at Stony Brook (SUNY). Over the course of his 50-year research career, he has worked at SUNY, Niels Bohr Institute, Vrije University Amsterdam, and the University of Groningen. He has also been invited as a visiting professor by the University of Washington, the University of Tokyo, the University of Osaka, the University of Caen, GANIL, GSI, and the University of Huelva. In addition, he has served on many national and international scientific bodies. He has been the chairman of the AE Section Physics and Engineering of the Academy of Europe and a fellow of the American Physical Society. He was also a member of the European Physical Society and an associate editor of Physical Review C. He has chaired the Program Advisory Committee for Nuclear-Physics Experiments at RIKEN RI Beam Factory, the GANIL/SPIRAL2 Scientific Council, and the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) of Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). He has won numerous awards for his work, including Research Fellow of the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science in 1993 and 2006, and a medal from the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society in 2005. He was also awarded GENCO Membership Award in 2016. He has published more than 400 research articles that have been cited around 15,000 times (according to Google Scholar). His research interests are wide-ranging but mainly focused on direct nuclear reactions, charge-exchange reactions, elastic and inelastic scattering and transfer reactions with nuclear (stable and radioactive) beams, nuclear giant resonance, and few-body physics.


